save a skins' selection (any) of the active keypad (KP). save all skins of the active keypad (KP) only.Ĭ2.
shorter vertical UsbExplorer (not enough to fit on many, but we also have the horz UsbExplorer)ī - Skin transparency: Take care of skins with transparent regions (solution is not optimal but is is fast, blame M$)Ĭ1. option to hide/show the menubar a popup menu to replace the menubar.Ī3. 1= /F=TI_NspireCXCAS_3.6.0.550.bin /K4Ī new kArmTI update (v1.75), this time only the x86 version (which runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit windows)Ī - Windows size: A few changes which will help using kArmTI on a small notebook.Ī1. I have a CX CAS and I start it like this: Might that be that I am using the worng startup parameters? It is not clear to me to whick memory it refers. Still, If I check the memory in the Handelt Status, I have more than 100MB free. One issue: when I play this emulator, I get very soon a popup telling me that I am low of memory.Īfter that there is alway an icon representing a full disk in the top right corner. The implementation of this is clearly a rather bigger effort. The best would be to be able to click anywere on the display to put there the cursor. If we accept the time and disk space used by a full memory dump.Ģ) Have some kind of emulation of the cursor on the display. This should be pretty easy to implement in the emulator, So, there are two feature that in my opinion are essential to make the emulator usable: